Lux AeternaLux Aeterna
Director(s): Gaspar NoéFR51 min.2019
100%(3 ratings)
Accessibility | not suitable for minors under 12 years of age |
Black and white / colour | color |
Two actresses (Béatrice Dalle, Charlotte Gainsbourg) tell stories about witches on set - but that's not all. Lux Æterna is also an essay on cinematography, film love and hysterical fits. The project is an artistic reflection of society through the eyes of artists, which emphasizes the complexity of different individuals and evokes the attitude of trust, individuality and self-expression of the world-famous brand Saint Laurent.
Projection of Lux Aeterna at 4 ELEMENTS 25. Letný filmový festival (SVETLO)
18:00 11. Aug | Film was already screened |
* Program subject to change